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China 2014


Call for Papers

ICCE-China 2014 Call for Papers

(Click here to download a PDF version CFP_ICCE2014)

Internet of Things (IoT): Technologies and Applications for Consumer Electronics

Smart Grid and IoT

Smart meters and smart appliances
Demand response
Energy management system
Microgrids technology
Advanced metering infrastructure

Intelligent medical services and IoT

Emergency system and medical rescue system
Hospital health care services and systems
Remote monitoring on heart rate, body fat and blood pressure
Telehealth and telemedicine application via ZigBee, WiFi and LTE

Home automation and IoT

Remote controlling of in-home smart devices
In-home devices sensors
In-home communication applications and systems

Intelligent transportation and IoT

Electric vehicles
Artificial intelligence
Network intelligent transportation

Radio frequency identification (RFID) and IoT

Standardization and anti-collision algorithm of RFID
Wireless sensors and applications
Electronic tag, reader/writer
Computer communication network in RFID

Special Session and Tutorial Proposals: January 24, 2014
Submission of Regular Papers: February 21, 2014
Notification of Special Session & Tutorial Acceptance: January 31, 2014
Submission of Special Session Papers: February 21, 2014
Notification of Paper Acceptance: March 14, 2014
Camera Ready Paper: March 21, 2014
Deadline for Online Registration: March 28, 2014