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China 2014


Plenary Talks


Speaker: Prof. Simon Sherratt


Prof. Simon Sherratt received the B. Eng. from the Sheffield Hallam University, and the M. Sc. and the Ph. D. from the University of Salford. He is Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the IET and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. His research interests include equalization, digital communications layer 1 and associated DSP issues, adaptive signal processing and DSP architectures.

Title: Future developments of consumer electronics and future directions of the research papers in the IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics



Speaker: Dr. Sharon Peng


Dr. Sharon Peng received her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1992 and 1995, respectively. In 1995, Sharon joined Philips Research North America as a Senior Member Research Staff. While working in Philips, her research projects and interests include MPEG2 and MPEG 4/H.264 standard development, HDTV video codec, video and audio signal processing, display processing, network communications, and tele-medicine system. In 2002, Sharon joined Harman International Industries, Inc., where she worked as a Principal Video Engineer, Audio/Video System Architect, and Senior Engineering Manager for Harman Corporate Technology Group. Now she directs the Advanced Technology Group for Lifestyle USA division. Her expertise on various professional and consumer electronics areas range from audio and video processing architecture and algorithms, high to low end consumer electronics product development, display enhancement, audio/video receiver systems, DVD/Blu-ray technologies, wireless audio/video streaming technology, audio/video quality enhancement, wireless communication system, and advanced headphone technology. During her professional endeavors, Sharon generated 20 US patents and many publications.

Sharon is an IEEE senior member. Since 1997, she has actively participated IEEE Consumer Electronics Society conferences and publications. She has served the technical committee, track/session chair, financial chair of IEEE Consumer Electronics Society sponsored many conferences for more than 10 years. Sharon was elected as the CE Society Board of Directors in 2009. She has served as the Award Committee Chair and the society Treasurer. Now she is the vice president of operations and planning. In other activities, Sharon serves as the board member of the IEEE Maxwell Award committee, and vice president of Standard Activities for IEEE council of RFID.

Title:Connected consumer electronics market



Speaker: Prof. Guanrong (Ron) Chen


Prof. Guanrong (Ron) Chen received the M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China in 1981 and the Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from Texas A&M University, College Station, USA in 1987. Currently he is a Chair Professor and the Founding Director of the Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks at the City University of Hong Kong, prior to which he was a tenured Full Professor in the University of Houston, Texas, USA.

Prof. Chen is a Fellow of the IEEE, awarded in January 1997, for his fundamental contributions to the theory and applications of chaos control and bifurcation analysis. He is an ISI Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering as well as in Physics with H index 77. He served and is serving as Chief Editor for the IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine and the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, and as Deputy Chief Editor, Advisory Editor, and Associate Editors for several IEEE Transactions and other international journals. He received 5 best journal paper awards in the past, 2008 and 2012 State Natural Science Awards of China, and 2010 He-Liang-He-Li Science and Technology Progress Award, China, as well as the 2011 Euler Gold Medal awarded by the Euler Foundation, Russia. He was conferred Honorary Doctorate by the Saint Petersburg State University, Russia in 2011, and is an Honorary Professor at different ranks in some thirty universities worldwide.

Title: Data routing control and controllability of sensor networks



Speaker: Prof. Kim-Fung Man


Prof. Kim F Man received his PhD from Cranfield Institute of Technology UK. He is a Fellow of IEEE, Chair Professor and Head of Electronic Engineering Department at City University of Hong Kong. He is the Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics and held the position as the VP for Technical Committee of the Industrial Electronics Society. His research focuses on evolutionary computation, antenna and RF devices optimization and control engineering. He publishes extensively in these areas.

Title: A jumping gene approach to multiobjective optimization



Speaker: Prof. Wan-Chi Siu

Biography: Prof. Wan-Chi Siu received the PhD degree from Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine in 1984, London, and is a Fellow of the IEEE, IET and HKIE. He has been working in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for over 30 years and has become Chair Professor in the Department of Electronic and Information Engineering since 1992. Prof. Siu is now also Director of the Centre for Signal Processing, and was Head (EIE) and subsequently Dean of Engineering Faculty between 1994 and 2002 of the same university. Professor Siu is an expert in Digital Signal Processing, specializing in fast algorithms, video coding and pattern recognition. He has published over 400 research papers (out of which 180 appeared in international journals such as IEEE Transactions on Image Processing) and has 8 recent patents published or granted. His works on motion estimation, transcoding and DCT algorithms are well received by academic peers with high citations, and many of his research works have also been ported into industrial uses for hi-tech development in Hong Kong.

Prof. Siu is a Vice President of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, Chairman of Conference Board and a core member of the Board of Governors (2012–2014). He is/was guest editor and associate editor of a number of IEEE and other journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. He is a very popular lecturing staff member within the University, while outside the University he has been a keynote speaker of over 12 international/national conferences in the recent 10 years. He received many awards, such as Distinguished Presenter Award, the Best Teacher Award, the Best Paper Award and IEEE Third Millennium Medal. He is the General Chair and Technical Program Chair of several prestigious IEEE Society flagship international conferences (including ICIP’2010, ICASSP’2003 and ISCAS1997). He is the chairman of many assessment panels and committees for professional bodies. In particular, in 1993/94, he chaired the first Engineering and Information Technology Panel of the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) to initiate some milestone basic measures on research quality and to assess the research quality of academia in universities, which gives a long-term impact to the development of quality research in Hong Kong.

Title: Quality video surveillance under internet environment



Speaker: Jerry Huang


Jerry Huang is a seasoned business executive with 20 years of marketing experience in varied marketing functions from component level products to enterprise solutions for the consumer products industry. He is currently serving as the Managing Director of ZigBee Asia Pacific, Greater China Chief Representative for the ZigBee Alliance Asia based in Beijing, PRC.

He is the Founder and General Manager of the Great Pacific Marketing, Inc. in Silicon Valley, California, which focuses on assisting companies establish a business presence in China and other regions in Asia. Mr. Huang has held various executive positions in worldwide enterprises such as Acer, Bell Microproducts, e21 and several startups in his career, building up teams from the early phases and producing a successful track record of results.

Mr.Huang earned his undergraduate degree at St John’s University in Taipei and continued his studies at Cogswell College in California. Jerry is fluent in English, Mandarin and Taiwanese.

Title: ZigBee development