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China 2014



Speaker:Dr K.F. Tsang

Biography: Dr K.F. Tsang obtained his PhD degree from the University of Wales, College of Cardiff. He has close ties with industry, and has been working actively on ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network for numerous applications including energy profiling and management system, ZigBee smart metering and AMI, ZigBee Home Area Network for office/home/building automation, ZigBee EV Charging system, ZigBeeTelehealth systems, smart appliances, security system, WiMax and LTE. Dr Tsang has published more than 100 technical papers and three books. He was the recipient of CityU’s Applied Research Excellence Award (1997), the first Hong Kong Science & Product Innovation Competition and the World Chinese Invention Exposition (1998). The other accolades won by KF include the EDN Asia Innovator Award (1999), Ericsson’s Super-Wireless Application Award (2000), the Best Award from Freescale Semiconductor (2008), the Innovation China Outstanding Entrepreneur Award (2009) and the Excellent Product Award from the China Hi-Tech Fair (2010). Key projects on ZigBee in the past included : RFID Departure and Arrival Detection System for the MTRC Light Rail (>170 platforms), implementation of 16,000 ZigBee light switches in hotel, Smart Metering (AMI) for utility in Hong Kong, Smart Kitchen for utility in Hong Kong. At this point, KF’s team is still referred as the only team that excels in ZigBee product design from protocol stack, embedded software, to system design with large scale ZigBee sensors deployment experience, from large scale sensor node, to smart metering as well as smart transportation. As such, KF has also successfully established the IoT SIG in Hong Kong and initially focuses heavily on ZigBee interoperability testing, ZigBee product testing and analysis, .. etc. The IoT SIG HK has been recognized by the ZigBee Alliance as a recognized consortium to promote ZigBee excellence including trainings and interoperability testing. KF is now an Associate Professor as well as the Director of the Wireless Sustainability Center in the Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong. KF and his team Dr. Candy Tung, Dr. KL Lam and Mr. KT Chui will deliver the tutorial on “ZigBee for Internet of Things”. In this tutorial, the basics of ZigBee, it’s role in Internet of Things and some practical challenges of ZigBee deployment will be briefed. The evaluation of development platforms and case studies will be presented.

Title: ZigBee in IoT


YongQuan Ling

Speaker: Prof. Wing-Kuen Ling

Biography: Prof. Ling received the B.Eng. (Hons) and M.Phil. degrees from the department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, in 1997 and 2000, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in the department of Electronic and Information Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2003. In 2004, he joined the King’s College London as a Lecturer. In 2010, he joined the University of Lincoln as a Principal Lecturer and promoted to a Reader in 2011. In 2012, he joined the Guangdong University of Technology as a Full Professor. He is a Fellow of IET, a senior member of IEEE, a China National Young Thousand-People-Plan Distinguished Professor and University Hundred-People-Plan Distinguished Professor. He serves in the technical committees of the nonlinear circuits and systems group, the digital signal processing group and the power electronics and systems group of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, as well as the technical committees of the industrial informatics group and the industrial agents group of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. He was awarded the best reviewer prizes from the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society in 2008 and 2012 and the best paper award in session of the IECON 2013 from the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. He has also served as the guest editor-in-chief of several special issues of highly rated international journals, such as the Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, the American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and Its Applications, and the Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications, and a guest associate editor of the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. He is currently an associate editor of the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, the Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, the Journal of Franklin Institute, the American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the International Journal of Engineering and Emerging Technologies, the International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Modeling, and the Open Journal Advanced Engineering Techniques. He has organized a special session of many IEEE/IET conferences such as a special session on nonlinear behaviors of signal processing and communication systems in the IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communications Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing 2008, a special session on optimization for signal processing and communications in the IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communications Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing 2010, a special session on complex networks in signal processing and communication systems in the IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communications Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing 2012 and a special session on optimal time frequency techniques for signal processing and communications in the IEEE/IET International Symposium on Communications Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing 2014. He has published an undergraduate textbook, a research monograph, four book chapters, a book review published in an IEEE journal, about 100 internationally leading journal papers and more than 60 highly rated international conference papers.

Title: ZigBee in IoT



Speaker:Prof. Wai Ho Mow

Biography: Prof. Wai Ho Mow received his BSc (Electronics) in 1989, MPhil and PhD (Information Engineering) in 1991 and 1993 respectively, all from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). In 1994, he was a visiting assistant professor at the Department of Information Engineering, CUHK. He was a visiting research fellow at the University of Waterloo in Canada, the Munich University of Technology (TUM) in Germany, and the Kyoto University in Japan in 1995, 1996 and early 2000 respectively. From 1997 to 1999, he was an assistant professor at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He joined the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, in March 2000. He has been an Adjunct Professor of the Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China since 2003. He received the Young Scholar Dissertation Award and 7 research and academic exchange fellowships from 5 different countries. His research interests are in the areas of transmission technology, coding and information theory, He published one book, and co-authored over 20 filed patent applications as well as over 100 technical publications, among which he is the sole author of over 40. He co-authored a paper that received the ISITA2002 Paper Award for Young Researchers and supervised a student who won the first prize in the IEEE HK Section Postgraduate Paper Contest as well as two final year project teams that won the first-runner up prizes in the IEE HK YMS Project Competitions in 2002 and 2003 respectively. He was the chair of the Hong Kong Chapter of the IEEE Information Theory Society in 2005. He was a technical program co-chair of 5 international conferences and served the technical program committees of numerous conferences such as Globecom, ICC, ISITA, ITW, VTC and WCNC. He was the guest/associate guest editor for two special issues of the IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals. He was a member of the Radio Spectrum Advisory Committee, Office of the Telecommunications Authority, the Hong Kong S.A.R. Government from 2003 to 2008. He has been a Senior Member of IEEE since 1999.

Title: Communications over display-camera channels: barcoding and beyond



Speaker:WU. YIN.

Biography: Wu Yin received his PhD in mobile Communication in Newcastle University, UK, in2007. He is now the Technical director in The Wissea wireless technologies. By his achievements, Wu Yin received the award of senior overseas talent in Shenzhen in 2013.

Wu Yin had been working in HuaWei Technologies and ZTE Corporation as a corporate communications specialist and corporation scientist in Kuang-chi Inst. Advanced Tech.

Wu Yin has been focus on the following research and application fields, Wireless wideband mobile communication,i.e. 4G LTE, IOT (Internet of things), WSN (wireless sensor network) such as Zigbee/Wlan, Android, and GIS (geography information system.

Wu Yin is now a visiting fellow in the faculty of Electronic Engineering in Surrey University, UK. In addition, he is a supervisor of postgraduate in the faculty of Automation in Guangdong University and director of the IOT in agriculture committee in Guangdong IOT association. He has been appointed as a senior assessor on the Chinese Shenzhen research innovation council, Chinese Shenzhen electronic associate, as well as the technical director in the Chinese state IOT (Internet of Things) lab in Shenzhen.

Title:IoT development